Prayer Request/Peticion de Oracion

Dear Believer:
If you feel the need to receive the Holy Spirit through prayer. E-mail me to for your Prayer Request, it could be a financial or health problems, or whatever you need.
Just remember that who heals is the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Estimado (a) Creyente.
Si, tu tienes la necesidad de recibir al Espiritu Santo a traves de la Oracion, enviame un E-mail a para solicitar tu Peticion de Oracion, la cual podria ser por un problema financiero o de salud, o cualquier otro problema. Solo recuerda que quien sana es el Espiritu Santo, en el nombre de Jesucristo.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ministerio de Liberación

Mas de uno de mis lectores saben que yo crecí en la religion católica, pero una vez que recibí el don de hablar en lenguas, no se me permitia orar en lenguas en esas iglesias catolicas. Yo me preguntaba porque, quizas porque ahi no creen en los dones espirituales. Luego entonces, empece un recorrido buscando una iglesia donde se me permitiera orar en lenguas. A lo largo de un ano, yo trate de aprender como orar en lenguas. Por supuesto, tu no puedes aprenderlo, porque es un don solo dado por el Espiritu Santo. Tambien, pase dos anos, preguntandome si mi don era realmente genuino. Por lo que tuve que visitar varias iglesias cristianas, tanto carismaticas como pentacostes, hablando con pastores, sacerdotes y buscando informacion en el Internet y en la Biblia acerca de los dones espirituales. Un dia, decidi escribir un blog acerca de mi experiencia personal religiosa debido a este blog, empece a recibir muchas peticiones de oracion. Poco despues desarrolle un Ministerio de Intercesion. En los ultimos anos he orado por problemas de salud, financieros y familiares y toda clase de problemas que te puedas imaginar. La misericordia de Dios ha sido grande, mucha gente ha sido sana, tanto como la restauracion de matrimonios; todo a traves del poder de la oracion. Las Santas Escrituras dicen: “ Porque irrevocables son los dones y el llamamiento de Dios.” Romanos 11:29 Yo senti en mi corazon que mi llamdo es llegar a ser un Intercesor, yo realmente me siento bien haciendo lo que hago, orar a favor de otros. Por lo tanto, el pastor de mi Iglesia hablo conmigo acerca de mi ministerio. El dijo que yo deberia estar bajo una cobertura de un liderazgo pastoral. Lo que entendi acerca de eso, es que el deberia de ungirme para mi proteccion. La Santa Biblia dice: “Porque no tenemos lucha en contra de sangre y carne, sino contra principados, contra potestades, contra gobernadores de las tinieblas de este siglo, contra huestes espirituales de maldad en las regiones celestes.” Efesios: 6:12 Conteste que lo pensaria. Entonces, pedi al Espiritu Santo direccion y ore por ello durante tres semanas; pero pedi a Dios me diera una senal. El deberia de darme un sueno en donde yo impondria las manos sobre alguien y esta persona recibiria la uncion del Espiritu Santo. Bueno el sueno llego, y en el sueno un amigo mio desde hace 30 anos trataba de golpearme con un fierro en mi cara; dos sombras estaban atras de el observando. Yo le decia, “No me golpees, calmate.” pero el insistentemente trataba de golpearme. De repente puse mis manos sobre su cabeza y ore en lenguas y el cayo al suelo, habia descanzado en el espiritu. Dios habia escuchado mis oraciones. Entonces, contacte a mi pastor y le dije que ya estaba listo para la uncion de mi Ministerio. Le dije acerca de mi sueno como una confirmacion de Dios. Ahora yo quise ir un poco mas lejos. Eso significa, orar para la liberacion de todas las personas que tienen problemas emocionales, depresion, coraje, tristeza, dolor y todos aquellos corazones quebrantados sin esperanza. Gente poseidas por espiritus diabolicos y toda esa clase de demonios. Nosotros acordamos dia y hora para la cobertura de mi Ministerio de Liberacion. El pastor y otros feligreses impusieron sus manos sobre mi, y yo recibi el Espiritu Santo. Como paso eso? Simplemente se me nublo la vista y cai al suelo. “Ahora Dios, que hago.” Pregunte. Yo no sabia casi nada acerca de liberacion. Entonces, empece a buscar informacion en el Internet y en la Biblia, pero seguia falto de conocimiento acerca del Ministerio de Liberacion. En mi busqueda de direccion y conocimiento empece 5 dias de ayuno y oracion. Cinco dias tomando solo agua y oracion. Tres dias despues de mi jormada de oracion y ayuno un hermano en Cristo Jesus, llamado Victor me dijo que un joven que golpeaba a su madre cuando perdia el control de su mente. Victor me dijo que ese joven habia hecho un pacto con la muerte. Este muchacho no podia dormir por las noches, el preferia estar aislado, no se presentaba a la escuela por largo periodos, el no tenia vida social y golpeaba a su madre hasta desangrarla y decia: “Te voy a matar.” La primera vez que nosotros oramos, el se ria en nuestra caras, yo puse mis manos en su cabeza y el se sento en el sofa y paro de reir. Cuando terminamos, el nos dio la mano y dijo. “Gracias.” Dias despues Victor me dijo que la mama del joven le habia hablado para hacerle saber que su hijo le habia pedido perdon y que tambien se habia quitado el anillo de la muerte. Nosotros volvimos hacer una cita y oramos por el una vez mas. Esta vez el acepto ser bautizado en el nombre de Jesucristo. Esta fue mi primera experiencia en mi Miniusterio de Liberacion, actualmente una buena cantidad de personas han sido bendecidas en el nombre de Jesuscristo. Es verdad, ““ Porque irrevocables son los dones y el llamamiento de Dios.” Romanos 11:29 Todo para la honra y gloria de Jesucristo.

Ministry of Deliverance

Most of my readers know I grew up within catholic church, but I once received the gift of speaking in tongues it didn't allow me to pray in tongues in there. I wondered why. Perhaps because they don't believe spiritual gifts. So then, I began a journey looking for a church where I might fit myself praying in tongues. Along a year I tried to learn how to pray in tongues. Indeed, you can not learn it, because it is a gift only giving by the Holy Ghost, I also spent two years wondering whether my gift was really genuine. For what, I had to visit several Christians churches pentecostal and charismatic denominations, spoken with pastors, priests and searching information on Internet and Bible about spiritual gifts. One day, I decided to write a blog about my personal religious experience due to this blog, I began to receive many prayer requests. Then I developed an Intercession Ministry. The last years I have prayed for health, financial, and family problems and all kind of issues you can image. The Mercy of God has been great. Many people have been healed, as well as restoration of marriage all through the power of prayer. The Holy Scriptures says: “God never changes his mind about the people he calls and the things he gives them.” Romans 11:29 I felt in my heart that my call is to become a Intercessor. I really feel confident doing what I do, praying on behalf other. Therefore, the pastor of my church spoke with me about my ministry. He said that I should be under a coverage of a pastoral leadership. What I understood about it he should ointment me just for protection, the Holy Bible says: “Our fight is not against people on earth but against the ruler and authorities and the power of this world's darkness, against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly world.” Ephesians 6:12 I answered that I should thinking about it. So, I asked for Holy Spirit direction and prayed for that during three weeks, but I ask to God give me a signal. He must give me a dream where I lay my hands down on someone, and this person should receive the Holy Spirit's unction. Well, the dream came out. In my dream a friend of mine since 30 years ago, he tried to hit me with an iron stick on my face, two shadows were watching behind him. I screamed “Don't do it. Take it easy.” But, he repeatedly insisted to hit me. Suddenly, I put my hands on his head and pray in tongues, then he felt down. God had answered my prayer. Then, I contacted to my pastor and I told him that I was ready for the ointment in my Ministry I told him about my dream as a God's confirmation. But now, I wanted to go a little far. That's means prayer for deliverance for all people who has emotionally problems, depression, anger, sadness, sorrow, all whom of broken heart without hope, people possession by evil spirit and all of that kind of stuff. We agreed time and hour for the Ministry of Deliverance's coverage. The pastor and others parishioners laid their hands down over me and I received the Holy Spirit. How happened that? Simply, I got blacked my eyes and felt down. “Now, God, what do I do.” I asked. I didn't know almost nothing about deliverance. So, I started searching information on Internet and Bible, but I still weakness of knowledge about my concern. In my seeking of direction and knowledge I began 5 days of fasting and prayer. Five days drinking only water and prayer. Tree days after my journey of fasting and prayer, a brother in Jesus Christ named Victor told me a case of a teenager who, hit his mother when he lost his mind. Victor told me that the teenager had got an agreement with evil spirit, we call it in Spanish language “death” This guy, he can not sleep well, he should prefer to be isolated. He didn't show up at school for along time. He had not social life and he hit his mom several times until to be bleeding and said. “I am going to kill you.” The first time we pray for him. He laughed on us. I laid my hands down on his head and he seat on the couch and stopped laughing. When we finished he shook hands and said “thank you.” Days later, Victor told me that the halternecks mom had called him to let him know that her son had asked forgiveness and he also took off the ring of the death. We set another appointment and pray for him one more time. This time, he accepted to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. That was my first experience of my Ministry of Deliverance, actually, a pretty amount of persons have been blessing by the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. It's true “God never changes his mind about the people he calls and the things he gives them.” Romans 11:29 All the honor and glory to Jesus Christ.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Prayer and Fasting

One day a friend of mine called to invite me to his house to join a men group from his church to watch movies with religious topics. He explained me that reasons of that meeting was to find out some way to increase the fellowship of his church. Even though, he knows I am a catholic person, I have attended some services in that Pentecostal church. Once that the movie had finished we discussed some points until we got agreed in one. If they wish to see a huge crowd during their service mass, they needed to do some thing more that don’t do nothing. My suggestion was to make a Prayer Chain and a Fasting of 24 hours. Everyone was agreed, so we set a date to develop our journey prayer. Previously, we made a list of points to follow up divide in 12 segments of two hours each one: Asking direction to the Holy Spirit. Increase our faith,. Getting a New Revival. Getting the fruit of Love. Study of the Bible. Wisdom. Increase of parishioners. Prosperity. Saintly. Spiritual Gifts. Healing. Praise. We start at six in the evening to finish at 6 PM of the next day. We drunk only water for the next 24 hours. Ben Montoya, pastor of the Healing Center Church, and five of his fellowships and me started the Journey Prayer and Fasting. Six hours later, other fellow joined us. Hours to hours we prayed without stopping. All our prayers were focused on the listed topic, however we made a little change in our schedule. We advanced the segment of Praise, which was the last one; instead of the Spiritual Gifts segment , due to at that time we were tired, after having praying eighteen hours straight. So, we sung and listened all kind of christian music, that was like getting more energy to continue our journey prayer. Now, on the segment of Spiritual Gifts, I means in the twenty first hour, I prayed for what the Holy Spirit may spread His blessing over our group and requested Him for some of the spiritual gifts. I closed my eyes and the first thing I saw was the face of one of my fellows. His name is Alex. He along of the prayer chain was worshiping so quite, I could say he discreetly had prayed. Once I saw his image in my mind I asked Holy Spirit. “What do you want me to do? And as it was an answer I started to pray in tongues loudly. Then later, I approached Alex and laid down my hands over his shoulders and I spoke to him. “Alex, the Holy Spirit had chosen you. In the powerful name of Jesus of Nazareth glorified to Him speaking in tongues. Closing your eyes and listen the Holy Spirit’s voice in your heart and receive the gift of speaking in tongues. Worship Him in the name of Jesus Christ.” He immediately started speaking in tongues. In the beginning a little bit shy. But after one hour he was praying in tongues loudly while he weep. I understood that God had given to that church one of his spiritual gifts for the Glory of God. I am a believer that God using us like instrument to accomplish his work. Another article related to the gift of speaking in tongues you can read it here: Please, click here to receive an intercession prayer:

Oracion y Ayuno

Un día un amigo mío llamó para invitarme a su casa para unirme a un grupo de varones de su iglesia con el objeto de ver películas con temas religiosos. Él me explicó que las razones de esa reunión era encontrar alguna manera para el aumento de los feligreses de su Iglesia. A pesar de que él sabe que yo soy una persona católica, yo he asistido a algunos servicios en esa iglesia pentecostal. Una vez que la película había terminado discutimos algunos puntos hasta que coincidimos en uno. Si ellos deseaban ver una gran multitud durante sus servicios, ellos tenían que hacer algo más que no hacer nada. Mi sugerencia fue hacer una Cadena de Oración y Ayuno de 24 horas. Todos estuvieron de acuerdo, por lo que fijamos una fecha para desarrollar nuestra jornada de oración. Previamente, elaboramos una lista de puntos a seguir que se dividieron en 12 segmentos de dos horas cada uno: Pidiendo guia del Espíritu Santo. Aumento de nuestra Fe. Obtener un nuevo Avivamiento. Conseguir el fruto del Amor. Estudio de la Biblia. Sabiduría. Incremento de Felifreses. Prosperidad. Santidad. Dones Espirituales. Sanacion. Alabanza. Comenzamos a las seis de la tarde para terminar a las 6 pm del día siguiente. Bebimos solo agua durante las próximas 24 horas. Ben Montoya, pastor de la Iglesia Centro de Milagros, y cinco de sus feligreses y yo comenzamos la Jornada de Oración y Ayuno. Seis horas después, otro compañero se unieron a nosotros. Horas tras horas de oracion sin cesar. Todas nuestras oraciones se centraron en el tema enlistado, sin embargo, hicimos un pequeño cambio en nuestro horario. Adelantamos el segmento de Alabanzas, que era el ultimo de los segmentos, en lugar del segmento de los Dones Espirituales, debido a que en ese momento estabamos cansados. Después de orar dieciocho horas consecutivas. Así que cantamos y escuchamos toda clase de musica cristiana, que era como llenarnos de energía para continuar nuestro jornada de oración. En el segmento de los Dones Espirituales, es decir en la hora veintiuno, oré para que el Espíritu Santo extendiese su bendición sobre nuestro grupo y le pedi dones espirituales para el grupo. Cerré los ojos y lo primero que vi fue la cara de uno de mis compañeros. Su nombre es Alex. Él a lo largo de la cadena de oración , oraba discretamente. Una vez que vi su imagen en mi mente le pregunte al Espíritu Santo. "¿Qué quieres que haga? Y como si fuese una respuesta yo comenzó a orar en lenguas en voz alta. Más tarde, me acerqué a Alex y puse mis manos sobre sus hombros y le dije "Alex, el Espíritu Santo te ha elegido a ti. En el nombre poderoso de Jesús de Nazareth glorifica a Dios hablando en lenguas angelicales. Cierra tus ojos y escucha la voz del Espíritu Santo en tu corazón y recibe el don de hablar en lenguas. Adoralo en el nombre de Jesucristo ". Inmediatamente, el comenzó a hablar en lenguas extranas. Al principio un poco tímido. Pero después de una hora que estaba orando en lenguas, su voz era fuerte mientras él lloraba. Comprendí que el Espiritu Santo le había dado a la iglesia, uno de sus dones espirituales para la Gloria de Dios. Yo soy un creyente de que Dios nos usa como instrumento para llevar a cabo su trabajo. Otro artículo relacionado con el don de hablar en lenguas se puede leer aquí: Por favor, haga clic aquí para recibir una oración de intercesión:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Intercession Group: Miracle Center.

When I received the gift of speaking in tongues, I often wondered whether I could use it on behalf of others. But before that, I had to start a search for the meaning of the gift of speaking in tongues; this, took me a long time, because I knew almost nothing about that spiritual gift. First, I searched among my friends, if someone had had that sort of religious’ experience; secondly, I was looking for answers from priests and pastors. Finally, I read all biblical texts regarding “spiritual gift” and I am still reading books about the Holy Spirit. Once, I had received that gift, I have prayed in tongues every day, later, I wished to pray in a church, but in those catholic churches where I attend, they do not pray in tongues, so I started a new search till I found a place where praying in tongues was allowed. I visited several churches called “christians” and very soon I was praying in tongues in those meetings. I realized that when I prayed in tongues some believers, who were beside me wept. I was intrigued, therefore, I asked one of those believers why she cried. She answered. “Because, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit, while you were praying in tongues.” Then, I recalled what a catholic priest told me. The reason I ended in tears, each time I prayed in tongues. The Holy Spirit cleaned up my soul of unclean thoughts and doubts. My belief is, if prayingis good, and the world needs to pray. Then, the person has to believe that God is waiting for their praying. That was the first seed planted into my heart, to pray for others, for their needs and for what they also get to clean their souls of unclean thoughts and doubts, as well, I did. Afterward, to pray for others became a need. But I had a problem; I should find persons that would like to receive the Holy Spirit. I felt like a novel physician waiting for patients to come into his new clinic. Now, dear believers, let me share with you a story of my passageway through the intercession. One day, I received an email from a reader of my website “Power of Prayer;” in fact, that person is a minister, who has a Ministry of Intercession running by Internet. He and his prayer warriors praying for people throughout the Internet. He invited me to pray on behalf of some of his followers. I did. Afterward, He sent me an email to let me know about the “fruit of my prayers.” Some people had healed. Yet before these events, I had looked for some intercession groups where I could participate, but I couldn't find a church where I could join in the mission of intercession. At this point, I would like to make a parenthesis. To receive the gift of speaking in tongues, I had to wait a little more than one year, after my first attempt to speak in tongues. Afterone year, I was looking to incorporate myself into an intercession group, without positive result. Nevertheless, one day, I was driving over the streets of my city, Salem, OR. When I saw a signal, it was for a worship service. Then, I called Pastor to ask if they would allow me to pray in tongues. “Of course, we are a Pentecostal church and we believe in the gift of speaking in tongues.” He said. I attended the worship service that same evening, and I prayed in tongues as the Holy Spirit guided me. One of the followers, who has the gift of interpretation in tongues, She was translating what I said in tongues. To be honest I don’t remember what she said, I only recall that she said: “I was interpreting that someone was praying in tongues.” I was the only one who was praying in tongues. A few days later, I contacted Pastor to ask if they had an Intercession Group, the answer was “yes” with a promise of an invitation for the next “intercession.” Days passed and I didn’t receive a call. Then, I called twice to remind him of my interest to participate in an intercession group. No one called back. Days later, I received a call from a pastor’s relative about my concern. I explained to him that my main interest is to pray on somebody’s behalf. After we chatted for awhile, he encouraged me to attend a prayer meeting in his church on Tuesday evenings at seven. There, I met a small group of 5 persons. I offered them my desire to integrate into an intercession group. The pastor and his followers exclaimed: “For the last four months, we have prayed for that Ministry of Intercession. Finally, God has heard our prayers.” “Finally, God has heard my prayer, too, after over one year.” I answered. I knocked on many church’s doors to offer myself as an intercession group’s servant. Now I am sure God sent me to the right place: Miracle Center Church. After of the pursuit to find an Intercession Group, I have found my own Ministry for the Glory of God.

Grupo de Intercesion: Centro de Milagros.

Cuando recibí el don de hablar en lenguas, a menudo me preguntaba si yo podría usarlo a favor de los demás, pero antes de ello, tuve que iniciar una búsqueda del significado del don de hablar en lenguas, lo que me tomo mucho tiempo, porque yo no sabía casi nada acerca de ese don espiritual. Primero, busque entre mis amigos, si alguien había tenido ese tipo de experiencias religiosas. En segundo lugar, yo busqué respuestas entre los sacerdotes y pastores. Por último, leí textos bíblicos con respecto a ese "don espiritual", y sigo leyendo libros acerca del Espíritu Santo. Una vez, recibido ese don, hago oración en lenguas todos los días, luego, yo quería orar en una iglesia; sin embargo, en las iglesias católicas, donde asistía; allí, no oran en lenguas, por lo que inicie una nueva buscando hasta encontrar un lugar en el que se permitiera orar en lenguas. Luego de haber visitado varias iglesias de las llamados "cristianas" me di cuenta que al estar orando en lenguas en esas iglesias cristianas, algunos creyentes que estaban a mi lado en ese momento; lloraban, lo que me intrigo; por lo que, un día, le pregunté a uno de ellos, ¿por qué lloraba?. Uno de ellos respondió: "Porque, he sentido la presencia del Espíritu Santo, mientras usted estaba orando en lenguas." Entonces, recordé lo que un sacerdote católico me dijo cuando siempre terminaba en lágrimas cada vez que oraba en lenguas. El Espíritu Santo estaba limpiando mi alma de pensamientos impuros y dudas. Mi creencia es, que si orar es bueno, y el mundo necesita orar, entonces las personas tienen que creer que Dios está a la espera de sus oraciones. Esa fue la primera semilla plantada en mi corazón, para orar por otros, por sus necesidades y que el Espíritu Santo también les limpie el alma de pensamientos impuros y dudas, como lo hizo conmigo. Poco después, orar por otros, se ha convertido en una necesidad. Pero había un problema; ahora, yo debería encontrar a las personas que quisieran recibir al Espíritu Santo. Me sentía como un médico novato en espera de sus pacientes en su nueva clínica. Ahora, estimados creyentes, déjenme compartir con ustedes un relato por mi camino a través de la intercesión. Un día, recibí un mensaje electrónico de un lector de mi sitio en Internet “Poder de la Oración,” de hecho, se trata de un ministro, quien tiene un ministerio de intercesión. Quiero decir, él y su grupo hacen oración por las personas que lo solicitan a través del Internet. Ese ministro, Me invita a orar a favor de algunos de sus seguidores. Yo acepte su invitación. Un día, él me envió un correo electrónico para hacerme saber acerca del fruto de mis oraciones. Algunas personas habían sanado. Antes de estos acontecimientos, tuve que buscar algunos grupos de intercesión donde pudiera incorporarme, pero no encontré una iglesia donde yo pudiera unirme a la misión de intercesión. En este punto, quisiera hacer un paréntesis. Para que yo recibiera el don de hablar en lenguas, tuvo que pasar un poco más de un año, después de mi primer intento. Y también más de un año, en mi búsqueda para incorporarme a un grupo de intercesión, sin resultado positivo. Sin embargo, un día, yo estaba conduciendo por las calles de mi ciudad, Salem, OR. Cuando vi un anuncio, con referente para un servicio de Adoración. Entonces, le llame al pastor para preguntar si se permitían a orar en lenguas. "Por supuesto, somos una Iglesia Pentecostés y creemos en el don de hablar en lenguas", dijo. Yo acudí al servicio esa misma noche, y ore en lenguas tal y como el Espíritu Santo me guía. Uno de los asistentes, quien tiene el don de la interpretación de lenguas, había interpretado lo que había dicho en lenguas extrañas. Para ser honesto no recuerdo lo que dijo, sólo recuerdo que ella expresó: "yo estaba interpretando lo que alguien estaba hablando en lenguas," dijo aquella persona. Yo era el único que estaba orando en lenguas. En los días siguientes, me puse en contacto con el Pastor para preguntar si había un grupo de intercesión, la respuesta fue "sí" con la promesa de una invitación para la próxima "intercesión" que tuvieren. Los días pasaron y no recibí, llamada alguna. Entonces, llamé dos veces más sin resultado alguno. Días después, recibí una llamada de un pariente del pastor en relación con mi interés de participar en un grupo de intercesión. Le expliqué mi interés por hacer oración en beneficio de otros. Después de que charlamos brevemente me invito a la Iglesia donde el asiste a un estudio de la Biblia, todos los martes a las siete la noche. Allí, me reuní con un pequeño grupo de 5 personas. Yo les expresé mi deseo de integrarme a un grupo de intercesión. El pastor y sus seguidores, exclamaron: "En los últimos cuatro meses, hemos estado orando por un Ministerio de Intercesión. Finalmente, Dios ha escuchado nuestra oraciones.” "Finalmente, Dios ha oído mi oraciones, después de más de un año." Conteste. Yo toqué muchas puertas para ofrecerme a mí mismo como un sirviente de un Ministerio de Intercesion. Ahora estoy seguro de que Dios me envió a este sitio llamado Iglesia Centro de Milagro. Después de la búsqueda para encontrar a un grupo de intercesión, he encontrado mi propio Ministerio para Gloria de Dios.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Holy Spirit goes where He is called.

Some days ago, a friend of mine logged onto my website which is a podcast regarding to the Gift of speaking in tongues. Soon later, he emailed me a comment to question me about my Gift of speaking in tongues. He does not believe that speaking in tongues is a gift, rather an ability to move the tongue, even though; I based my saying in accordance with the Bible: “When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers were gathered together in one place. Suddenly there was a noise from the sky, which sounded like a strong wind blowing, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire, which spread out and touched each person there. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to talk in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.” Act 2: 1-4 He still unbelief. Yet, he went beyond of his incredulity. He dared me. He said that he might be capable to speak in tongues. I warned him that speaking in tongues is not a challenge rather it is for spiritual purposes, only. Therefore, I asked him what his intention was. “Just to prove that speaking in tongues are not a gift rather that is ability.” He said. I asked my unbelief friend how he might prove it; he said that he would move his tongue according to his desire. Once we agreed about our challenge he was aware that I will pray for him for what the Holy Spirit opens his heart to Jesus Christ. We were agreed to meet at a park near to my neighborhood _ he did not want to meet me into a church_ He arrived with one of his children, a girl 8 years old. It seems that that day, he had to take care of her. After a short talk with them, he supposedly started speaking in tongues. He sounds something like this. “bababa, taco, lalala, mabo, sambo, rumba, soto, joto, cola….” For a moment, he put a smile on his face while moved his tongues. He intended for this to bother me. He moved his tongue for at least two minutes. When it was my turn, I prayed on this way. “Heavenly father, thank you to allow me to be before your beloved Son Jesus Christ. Oh, Jesus of Nazareth, I do this praise in your Holy and powerful name. I ask you that your Holy Spirit spread over these people: Ruben and his little daughter according to your love. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.” Around five or seven minutes later, I closed my eyes and laid down my right hand over the little girl’s head; later, I sensed the need to raise my voice and I did it for the following two minutes. When I opened my eyes the little girl had tears falling down her face. My friend did not make any comment, me either. Some hours later, my unbelief friend called me to let me know that his daughter was singing in strange language without stopping. Indeed, he was really concerned. My answer was that she had received the Holy Spirit and she also had the Gift of speaking in tongues, too. To conclude, I left to my friend this thought. “The Holy Spirit goes where He is called, but you also need to open your heart to receive it.”