Monday, June 1, 2009
The Holy Spirit goes where He is called.
Some days ago, a friend of mine logged onto my website which is a podcast regarding to the Gift of speaking in tongues. Soon later, he emailed me a comment to question me about my Gift of speaking in tongues. He does not believe that speaking in tongues is a gift, rather an ability to move the tongue, even though; I based my saying in accordance with the Bible:
“When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers were gathered together in one place. Suddenly there was a noise from the sky, which sounded like a strong wind blowing, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire, which spread out and touched each person there. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to talk in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.” Act 2: 1-4
He still unbelief. Yet, he went beyond of his incredulity. He dared me. He said that he might be capable to speak in tongues. I warned him that speaking in tongues is not a challenge rather it is for spiritual purposes, only. Therefore, I asked him what his intention was.
“Just to prove that speaking in tongues are not a gift rather that is ability.” He said.
I asked my unbelief friend how he might prove it; he said that he would move his tongue according to his desire.
Once we agreed about our challenge he was aware that I will pray for him for what the Holy Spirit opens his heart to Jesus Christ.
We were agreed to meet at a park near to my neighborhood _ he did not want to meet me into a church_ He arrived with one of his children, a girl 8 years old. It seems that that day, he had to take care of her.
After a short talk with them, he supposedly started speaking in tongues. He sounds something like this.
“bababa, taco, lalala, mabo, sambo, rumba, soto, joto, cola….”
For a moment, he put a smile on his face while moved his tongues. He intended for this to bother me. He moved his tongue for at least two minutes.
When it was my turn, I prayed on this way.
“Heavenly father, thank you to allow me to be before your beloved Son Jesus Christ. Oh, Jesus of Nazareth, I do this praise in your Holy and powerful name. I ask you that your Holy Spirit spread over these people: Ruben and his little daughter according to your love. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.”
Around five or seven minutes later, I closed my eyes and laid down my right hand over the little girl’s head; later, I sensed the need to raise my voice and I did it for the following two minutes. When I opened my eyes the little girl had tears falling down her face. My friend did not make any comment, me either.
Some hours later, my unbelief friend called me to let me know that his daughter was singing in strange language without stopping. Indeed, he was really concerned.
My answer was that she had received the Holy Spirit and she also had the Gift of speaking in tongues, too.
To conclude, I left to my friend this thought.
“The Holy Spirit goes where He is called, but you also need to open your heart to receive it.”
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